
Hero Section - Workshops


Hope you had a fantastically interactive day at EARL 2022. On this page, you can now download the workshop materials used at this year’s EARL event.


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Workshops tabs

Workshop 1 - 6hrs (10am-5pm) - Game in shiny


Workshop 2 - 3hrs (10am-1pm) - Plumber API


Workshop 3 - 3hrs (10am-1pm) - Explainable ML


Workshop 4 - 3hrs (2pm-5pm) Functional Programming


Workshop 5 - 3hrs (2pm-5pm) Functional Programming


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EARL 2022 - Workshop Need help - Register for EARL 2022 workshop

EARL 2022 - Buy workshop passes

It is time to buy your workshop passes now!

EARL your way: buy your workshop tickets now then choose which workshops you would like to attend.


EARL 2022 - Register workshop

Got a ticket? Register for a workshop.

It’s time to choose! Which workshop(s) would you like to attend?


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EARL 2022 Workshops details

Workshops details.

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EARL 2022 - Workshop 1 - Title

EARL 2022 Workshop 1 - Make A Game With Shiny.

Venue: Tower 1 - Time: 10am-5pm - Level: Intermediate
Workshop leader: Alejandro Rico

Value Proposition




EARL 2022 - | - Workshop 1 - | - Shiny: How to make a game - | - Main description

About this workshop.

Making a game fun is an excuse to work on interactivity. There is the expectation that Shiny is only meant to be used to develop dashboards. However in this short course we will explore other functionalities of how app development can be used with Shiny.

We’re going to have some fun in this session and explore the full potential of Shiny from to developing a simple game. Anyone who has an interest in R as a general-purpose programming language, will find this a fascinating and fun session to attend.

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EARL 2022 - Workshop 1 - Shiny: How to make a game - 3 column section

EARL Workshop 1 - Practical applications of Shiny

Practical applications of Shiny.

As an R package, Shiny is ideal for building interactive web apps with interesting applications for a range of industry sectors from teaching and real estate to crime and life sciences.


EARL Workshop 1 - What you will get from the session

What you will get from the session.

This workshop will bring more insight into common thoughts people have about Shiny, such as, is it possible to develop more complex applications with Shiny? What would be the main limitations? Could R and Shiny be used as a general-purpose framework to develop web applications? What needs to happen to facilitate that? These are just some of the questions we will look to answer.

In the session we will explore the potential of web app development with Shiny, with particular focus on:
• Exploring the possibilities of Shiny
• Exploring different ventures within the Shiny framework
• Learn how to apply Shiny to app development


EARL Workshop 1 - Session Agenda

What the Workshop session agenda looks like.

• Shiny functionality
• Creating a game loop
• Managing a global game state
• Interactivity as a useful feature


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EARL 2022 - Workshop 2 - Title

EARL 2022 Workshop 2 - Introduction to Plumber APIs.

Venue: Tower 2 - Time: 10am-1pm - Level: Introduction

Workshop leader: Adam Waring

Value Proposition




EARL 2022 - | - Workshop 2 - | - Introduction to Plumber APIs. - | - Main description

About this workshop.

90% of ML models don’t make it into production, but with API building skills in your DS toolbox, you should be able to beat this statistic in your own projects.

As the field of data science matures, much emphasis is placed on moving beyond scripts and notebooks and into software development and deployment. Plumber is an excellent tool to make the results from your R scripts available on the web.

The workshop is aimed at R users with minimal prior experience of plumber APIs. By the end of this session, you will understand how, where and why to use plumber APIs in your own work.

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EARL 2022 - Workshop 2 - Introduction to Plumber APIs. - 3 column section

EARL Workshop 2 - Practical applications of purrr

Practical applications of plumber APIs.

Plumber APIs are a great tool to integrate your R data science with the rest of your tech stack and to turn code into a data science product.

Interesting use-cases for plumber include:

• Display heart disease risk on a website using a Cox regression written in R

• Display the results of random forest model in a Power BI dashboard

• Integrate the impressive interactive and dynamic visualisations created in R in mobile phone applications

• Outsource statistical models to R within your Python software project

• Create a web scraping API to extract recent data from a website using rvest


EARL Workshop 2 - What you will get from the session.

What you will get from the session.

In this session you will learn how easy it is to build APIs in R using the:

• Plumber package

• How to organise code for plumber APIs

• Using plumber-style comments to create API endpoints and filters

• Sending HTTP requests from multiple mediums; swagger, terminal, R and Postman

• Containerise plumber APIs for deployment

• Improving performance of plumber APIs


EARL Workshop 2 - Session Agenda

What the Workshop session agenda looks like.

• What is an API?
• What is plumber?
• An example of a plumber endpoint

Getting started exercises
• Setting up the plumber project as a package
• Using block annotations to specify endpoints
• Using serializers and parsers to change the request and response formats
• Sending HTTP GET requests

Intermediate exercises
• Sending HTTP POST requests
• Using global data to improve performance
• Understanding the request and response objects
• Adding an authorisation filter to authorise users

Advanced exercises
• Containerising the API with Docker
• Improving performance with future and promises


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EARL 2022 - Workshop 3 - Title

EARL 2022 Workshop 3 - Explainable Machine Learning.

Venue: Tower 3 - Time: 10am-1pm - Level: Introduction
Workshop leader: Claire Benard

Value Proposition




EARL 2022 - | - Workshop 3 - | - Explainable machine learning - | - Main description

About this workshop.

ML packages and platforms make it easier to iterate over a large selection of complex models to productionise the best performing one. And who would question a good model? Well, maybe the data scientist who is recommending using it, or the business owner who needs to defend their product or service, or simply, because it is required by GDPR.

This workshop is aimed at practitioners with prior knowledge of modelling but restrictive knowledge about Explainable ML. It will take you through why you should learn more about it and give you the keys to get started. By the end of the session, you have the confidence to implement these techniques and discuss with stakeholders the way your models are run and manged to optimise decisions.

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EARL 2022 - Workshop 3 - Explainable Machine Learning - 3 column section

EARL Workshop 3 - Practical applications of explainable machine learning

Practical applications of explainable ML.

Explainable ML presents a significant opportunity to using data responsibly. Interesting use case include:

• Identifying mental health needs

• Distinguishing differentiation in job salaries

• Diagnosing skin diseases


EARL Workshop 3 - What you will get from the session

What you will get from the session.

In this session you will be able to:

• Describe explainable AI methods.

• Explain the importance of building explainable models to other stakeholders.

• Implement a range of XAI techniques.


EARL Workshop 3 - Session Agenda

What the Workshop session agenda looks like.

Introduction to Explainable AI / ML (XAI / XML)

A practical example focussed on one R package

Conclusions and next steps


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EARL 2022 - Workshop 4 - Title

EARL 2022 Workshop 4 - Functional Programming with Purrr.

Venue: Tower 2 - Time: 10am-1pm - Level: Intermediate
Workshop leader: Tom Bowling

Value Proposition




EARL 2022 - | - Workshop 4 - | - Functional Programming with purrr - | - Main description

About this workshop.

This course will provide an overview of functional programming in R with use of the purrr package. This elegant approach to iteration uses functions to describe what code is doing, by doing this we can achieve complex tasks with minimal and highly readable code.

This workshop is aimed at users with some experience of the R language. An understanding of basic data manipulation with dplyr and visualisation with ggplot is advised but not critical. By the end of this 3 hour session, you will have a greater understanding of this “tidy” approach to iteration.

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EARL 2022 - Workshop 4 - Functional Programming with purrr - 3 column section

EARL Workshop 4 - Practical applications of purrr

Practical applications of purrr.

Iteration (doing the same task multiple times) is a very common task in Data Science. A loop in R programming is an incredibly common way of achieving this, however they are often not the best solution. Instead, purrr (a package from the tidyverse) allows you to tackle iteration in a functional way, leading to cleaner and more readable code.

The purrr package offers a great suite of tools to allow you to elegantly solve numerous iteration challenges in R:

• Simultaneously fitting models to multiple groups

• Generating multiple reports with different input parameters


EARL Workshop 4 - What you will get from the session

What you will get from the session.

• A full understanding of the purrr package and how it can be used

• Amongst other things, we’ll show you how to fit over 140 statistical models and extract fit statistics for each of them in only 3 lines of code

• The ability to write code that is succinct, easy to read and reason about by colleagues


EARL Workshop 4 - Session Agenda

What the Workshop session agenda looks like.

Iteration and the purrr package
• Iterating over each list element
• Applying custom functions
• Simplifying output

Working with lists
• Filtering list elements
• Joining lists

The wider map family
• Applying across multiple lists
• Side effects
• Using the index

Nested data
• Nested data frames
• Mutate and map
• Map for modelling & simulation
• Converting to nested data


Perfect Partner




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EARL 2022 - Workshop 5 - Title

EARL 2022 Workshop 5 - Time Series Visualisation in R.

Venue: Tower 3 - Time: 10am-1pm - Level: Intermediate
Workshop leader: Alex Tamparopoulos

Value Proposition




EARL 2022 - | - Workshop 5 - | - Time Series Visualisation in R - | - Main description

About this workshop.

Time series is a rather distinct concept in analytics, and data scientists often find it hard to get started. Most textbooks focus on modelling, which may require some degree of mathematical rigour.

Aimed at R users with little or no prior experience in time series, this short course aims to get you started with creating and examining plots. At the end of the session, participants will be able to create your own time series objects from their data, plot them in various ways, thus adding a very powerful tool in their Exploratory Data Analysis toolkit.

This course is designed to get you started with creating and examining plots - adding a very powerful tool to your exploratory data analysis toolkit.

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EARL 2022 - Workshop 5- Time Series Visualisation in R - 3 column section

EARL Workshop 5 - Practical applications of purrr

Practical application of time series.

If you have seen ambient temperature plots, electrocardiograms, or even stock market fluctuations, you have already seen a time series visualisation. Many prediction problems are dynamic and involve a time component.

How does time affect our perception of the data? Is the time scale important? Is the direction of time relevant? Sometimes cumulative effects are not visible with traditional statistical methods, because little increments stay under the radar. When a time component is present, it’s likely that the current state of our problem depends on the previous states. With time series visualisations we can capture changes that may otherwise go undetected.


EARL Workshop 5 - What you will get from the session

What you will get from the session.

In the session you will learn:

• The concept of time series

• The ability to demonstrate the limitations of ordinary plots

• How to visualise single and multiple time series

• How to visualise trends, seasonality, remainders

• Ability to perform and plot forecasts


EARL Workshop 5 - Session Agenda

What the Workshop session agenda looks like.


• What is a time series?
• What makes time series unique
• Time series tools in base R

Simple tasks
• Define time series objects
• Simulate your own time series
• Simple visualisations
• Missing data imputation

Intermediate tasks
• Time series decomposition
• Visualise trends, seasonality, remainders
• Looping over multiple time series
• Alternative visualisations
• Advanced tasks
• Visualising forecasts
• Visualising cross-validation
• Exploring additional R packages


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EARL 2022 workshops outline & leaders.

Your workshops leaders.

EARL2022-Tom-Programming with purrr

Tom Bowling

As a Senior Data Scientist at Ascent, Tom applies his statistical experience to help customers solve business problems with data. A Statistician by training, Tom pairs deep mathematical capability with programming expertise to understand and address business challenges.

Workshop: Functional Programming with Purrr.


EARL2022 - Alex - Time Series Visualisation in R

Alex Tamparopoulos

As a Data Trainer at Ascent, Alex helps customers understand how state-of-the-art predictive models work, and provides the tools needed to formulate complex business problem into code. Alex acts as an educator and a consultant, covering a wide range of the current data science landscape.

Workshop: Time Series Visualisation in R.

Alex Tamparopoulos


EARL 2022 - Claire - Explainable Machine Learning

Claire Benard

Claire is a Senior Data Scientist with experience across a broad range of industries including the charity sector, fast growing tech start ups and mature companies. Relying on a vast experience leading the end-to-end development of ML solution, Claire’s skillset ranges from statistics to machine learning, with a focus on responsible ML.

Workshop: Explainable Machine Learning.

Claire Benard


EARL2022-Adam-Introduction to Plumber APIs

Adam Waring

Adam is a highly experienced Senior Data Scientist with a passion for automation and data visualisation. Having worked across multiple sectors including healthcare, defence and engineering, Adam has developed a broad analytical skillset from classical statistics to deep learning.

Workshop: Introduction to Plumber APIs.

Adam Waring


EARL 2022 - Alejandro- Shiny: how to make a game

Alejandro Rico

With a background in Physics and strong theoretical-practical experience in Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, Alejandro is a strong communicator and an expert in R - predominantly in libraries related to Data Manipulation such as dplyr, magrittR and the whole tidyverse.

Workshop: Make A Game With Shiny.

Alejandro Rico




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FAQs - Buy EARL tickets


FAQs - column 1

Do I need a valid email address to buy a pass to EARL?

Yes, it is important you provide a valid email address when registering. We will be sending you the receipt for your purchase and other communications related to EARL 2022 at this address.

Can I buy multiple passes in one transaction?

Our ticketing system requires delegates to register and buy passes independently. You can however use EARL 4+1 Team Bundle options to buy a block of 5 passes in one transaction. If you want to buy a specific number of passes, please contact EARL HQ at and we can arrange this for you.

I am trying to purchase a ticket, but it is saying I am already registered for the event. What do I do?

Close your browser completely and open the EARL ticketing page again. Our system is based on unique emails so you may need to use another email address to register for the same event. If you want to buy a specific number of passes or you need any assistance, please contact EARL HQ at and we can arrange this for you.


FAQs - column 2

I am part of the NHS/ an academic/ work in a non-profit. How do I access the discounted rate?

If you work in the NHS (National Health Service), non-profit sector or in a formal academic setting, you are eligible for discounted EARL passes. You can apply for a code via this form. Complete the form and once verified, we will send you your discount code. To book your EARL passes, select your tickets on the site as normal and enter your code in the box at the point of checkout.

The form requires you to provide proof of eligibility. We may at our discretion request additional proof of identity at the registration desk on the day(s) of the conference.

I have special dietary requirements, what should I do?

Please message us at to make us aware of any allergies or intolerances you may have. This will be communicated to the Tower Hotel to ensure your requirements are catered for.


FAQs - column 3

I booked a ticket but might not be able to attend. What do I do?

If you contact us at we can organise a ticket transfer for you to another named delegate. For refund requests, please send an email to detailing the exceptional circumstances. Refunds will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Do you provide support for accommodation bookings?

We do not book accommodation for our delegates however, the Tower Hotel is ideally situated within a short distance of hotel options. Please note, if you are attending the evening event at Drapers Hall, we will provide transport to the event from Tower Hotel, but you will need to organise your own transport from Drapers Hall back to your accommodation at the end of the evening.


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Lets get started section - EARL 2022 workshops

Let’s get started.

We help customers build game-changing products, deliver pivotal data and software projects and build strong internal teams. Got a challenge in mind?

We’re ready when you are.

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